Spletna stran projektaČas
trajanja: okt.
2020 – mar. 2024
projekta: 27.906.682,07
projekta: FRAUNHOFER
Program: Horizon 2020
V okviru projekta »OneNet – One Network for Europe« bo 72 partnerjev iz 21 držav iskalo rešitev za koordinirano čezmejno delovanje sistemskih operaterjev prenosnega in distribucijskega elektroenergetskega omrežja ob vzpostavljanju novih trgov fleksibilnosti. Cilj projekta je razviti odprto in fleksibilno arhitekturo, ki bo pomagala preoblikovati evropski elektroenergetski sistem, ki je trenutno upravljan na nacionalnih ali regionalnih ravneh. Rezultat bo pametnejši, cenovno učinkovit pan-Evropski sistem, v katerem bosta trg in obratovanje omrežja vzajemno koordinirana med državami blizu realnega časa, ob omogočanju aktivnega sodelovanja uporabnikov omrežja na elektroenergetskem trgu.
Slovenski partnerji projekta bodo aktivni predvsem v delovnem sklopu 10, v okviru katerega bo pod vodstvom družbe ELES potekala demonstracija »Eastern Cluster«. Partnerji iz Češke, Madžarske, Poljske in Slovenije bodo razvijali in razširili zmogljivosti obstoječih tržnih platform za nudenje fleksibilnosti in drugih sistemskih storitev operaterjem prenosnih (TSO) in distribucijskih (DSO) elektroenergetskih omrežij. Poudarek bo na usklajenem aktiviranju storitev fleksibilnosti za upravljanje prezasedenosti in izravnavo sistema. Grozd bo te storitve obravnaval kot standardizirane produkte, ki se zagotavljajo v tržnem okolju.
Za triletno delo v okviru projekta je bilo slovenskim partnerjem (ELES, GEN-I, Elektro Ljubljana, Elektro Celje, Elektro Gorenjska, Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani) odobrenih več kot milijon evrov evropskih sredstev.
While the electrical
grid is moving from being a fully centralized to a highly decentralized system,
grid operators have to change their operative business to accommodate for
faster reactions and adaptive exploitation of flexibility. The topic has been subject
of several research projects in the past years and reached a maturity that
allows now the consideration of a final level, proposing an integrated view on
the grid operations beyond the traditional barriers. OneNet aims at performing
this critical step creating the conditions for a new generation of grid
services able to fully exploit demand response, storage and distributed
generation while creating fair, transparent and open conditions for the
consumer. As result, while creating one network of Europe, the project aims to
build a customer centric approach to grid operation. This ambitious view is
achieved by proposing new markets, products and services and by creating a
unique IT architecture. While a single platform for Europe is not thinkable,
OneNet proposes innovative mechanisms of platform federation which are the key
technical enablers for the proposed vision.
The project has also very ambitious
exploitation goals aiming at creating consensus on the solution far beyond the
limits of the consortium partners thanks to a variety of actions including a
large-scale forum for discussion within the international energy community. The
complete concept is also proven in 4 cluster demos creating an involvement of
an unprecedented number of countries and their grid operators in a single
project. The consortium, in addition to a significant list of grid operators,
includes also key IT players, leading research institutions and the two most
relevant associations for grid operators, jointly providing a unique set of
expertise in support to these challenging tasks.