Spletna stran projektaČas
trajanja: jun.
2022 – nov. 2025
projekta: 8.989.682,00
projekta: INESC-ID:
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e
Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (Portugalska)
Program: Horizon Europe
električnih vozil na naših cestah se nenehno povečuje. Do leta 2040 bodo
slednja po ocenah v veliki meri nadomestila vozila z notranjim izgorevanjem,
zato so aktivni številni projekti, ki se ukvarjajo z omogočanjem uvajanja
električnih vozil v večjem številu tako s stališča pametnega polnjenja,
uporabnikov, pametnih mest kot omrežja. Projekt EV4EU bo omogočal uspešno
izmenjavo podatkov med vozilom in njegovo okolico ter uspešno izmenjavo
energije v in iz omrežja.
EV4EU (Electric Vehicles Management for carbon nautrality in Europe) povezuje
22 partnerjev iz štirih držav s ciljem olajšati množično uvajanje električnih
vozil z uporabo tehnologij V2X. Slovenski partnerji bomo v okviru projekta
analizirali in demonstrirali vpliv množične uporabe električnih vozil na
omrežje, doprinos električnih vozil k boljšemu in bolj stabilnemu omrežju ter
kako ob tem najboljše izkoristiti tehnologije V2X (vehicle-to-everything). V ta
namen bomo postavili 10 naprednih V2X polnilnih postaj in vzpostavili market
platformo za nakup storitev prožnosti na trgu.
The Electric Vehicles Management for carbon neutrality in Europe (EV4EUThe Electric Vehicles Management for carbon neutrality in Europe (EV4EU) project will propose and implement bottom-up and user-centric Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) management strategies creating the conditions for the mass deployment of electric vehicles. The strategies will consider the impact on batteries, the needs of the users, power systems, the integration with energy markets, and cities’ transformation. The proposed V2X management strategies will be tested in four demonstration sites, allowing an evaluation of the proposed methodologies and tools, the definition of the appropriate implementation conditions, and a consolidation of the most promising solutions and business models. Technology providers will test different V2X management approaches, evaluating their feasibility and adequacy for the existing conditions in cities. System Operators will estimate the impact of V2X on transmission and distribution levels, proposing new services to profit from V2X flexibility, mitigating the effect of V2X, and supporting the development of both V2X and renewables. Tools and Apps for electric vehicle users will be developed to provide valuable information about the use of electric vehicles and available energy services. An open platform that considers interoperability, scalability, security, and privacy requirements will ensure the information exchange between stakeholders and systems. The impact of V2X management strategies in different cities will be evaluated in a co-simulation tool considering different perspectives, namely, the power network, cities constraints (existing parking lots, buildings characteristics, etc.), electric vehicle use patterns, and, finally, V2X management strategies. New services (Green Charging, Sharing Charging, and Surge Pricing), Demand Response programs, and flexible capacity contracts will be designed and a regulatory framework promoting user adoption will be proposed.