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Spletna stran projekta

Čas trajanja: jan. 2020 – nov. 2023

Vrednost projekta: 9.865.590 EUR


Program:Horizon 2020

Tehnologija propagira raznolike priložnosti znotraj energetskega trga. Z uporabo starejših načinov merjenja, upravljanja in kontroliranja z pametnimi sistemi se zbirajo velike količine podatkov, ki so samo deloma obdelane in uporabljene. Z bolj popolno obdelavo in uporabo lahko nove podatke uporabimo za izboljšanje obstoječih energetskih storitev in naredimo nove. 

Orodja, ki omogočajo tovrstne obdelave in aplikacije, se razvijajo tudi znotraj Evropskega projekta BD4OPEM, ki želi dopolniti analitične metode za obdelavo velikih množic podatkov in izvajanje poslovnih procesov v energetskem trgu. 

Z ekstrakcijo dodatnih informacij iz dostopnih podatkov lahko razvijemo vrsto inovativnih storitev na področju opazovanja omrežja, operacij na omrežju, planiranja omrežij, zaznavanje zlorab na omrežju, pametnega upravljanja hiš in stavb, transakcij blockchain, in prožne odzvinosti porabnikov električne energije.

Energy power systems face big challenges to cope with grid integration demands of an ever-increasing number of distributed generation and consumption devices in an interconnected world. Technology offers a huge range of opportunities to develop solutions in the uncertain current and upcoming Energy market situation. This proposal considers Open Innovation as a natural solution to create a seamless link and balance between energy stakeholders needs and the solutions to be developed. Nowadays, old metering, operation and control devices are combined with smart systems with a huge amount of data being available yet unused or underused. This data offers a wide range of possibilities to improve existing energy services and creating new ones, all available in an Open Innovation Marketplace, and processed through an Analytic Toolbox. BD4OPEM will develop this Analytic Toolbox, based on Big data techniques, providing tools for enabling efficient business processes in the energy sector. By extracting more value from available data, a range of innovative services will be created in the fields of grid monitoring, operation and maintenance, network planning, fraud detection, smart houses/buildings/industries energy management, blockchain transactions and flexibility aggregation for demand-response. The Open Innovation Marketplace will ensure secure data flows from data providers to solution providers, always compliant with GDPR requirements, so that asset management is enhanced, consumer participation in energy balancing is promoted and new data-driven business models are created through innovative energy services. The project will demonstrate the above features in four large scale pilots with diverse distributed energy sources (e.g. PV, wind, hydro, EV, storage…), while promoting the competitiveness and synergies of Sustainable innovations and IT Ecosystems in Europe.